

Might seem like a good idea regarding the things going on right now in the digital world. Cambridge Analytica apparently stole over 50 million user data files and Facebook´s CEO Mark Zuckerberg needs to justify in front of the US congress. Meanwhile, GDPR is on it´s way to Europe and will become effective on May 25th, 2018 while a lot of companies are still asking themselves, if they are ready for it or not.

Nevertheless, we all need to cope and face up the all-embracing digital change which is affecting our lives in all of its areas. Work, studies, hobbies, friends, family and much more are shaped in various new ways by the digitalisation right now.

To Be Heard…

Is more and more important. This blog is a meek try to grasp some of this digital change we are facing. Mainly orientated towards digital marketing, trends and innovation (because of my so called “field of expertise“) but also dabbling with other areas.

You will find all my content in the Blog section, a Contact Form to reach out to me and an About section, where i try to explain this page in a more detailed way.

…And Stay.

A warm welcome to everyone who made it to this site and I hope you will enjoy it. Leave me some feedback in the comment section below, what could be on it in the future!

Best regards, Jakob

Title Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

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